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CBNO: What are the effects of the new cannabinoid and how does it differ from CBN?

When the cannabis industry talks about CBNO, there is often nothing but praise, and rightly so. This unique cannabinoid differs from well-known compounds such as CBD or CBG not only in its chemical structure but also in its wide range of potential effects.

What is CBNO?

As you might guess, CBNO, or cannabinol acetate-O, is the acetylated form of CBN. While on a molecular level the two forms are similar, their subtle differences are enough to give CBNO a host of new effects.

CBNO vs. CBN: How do they differ and what do they have in common?

Before going into a detailed comparison, let's recall the basic facts: CBN is a cannabinoid that is formed by the breakdown of THC, while CBNO is its derivative, which is formed by the oxidation of CBN.

Related to this is the main difference between the two cannabinoids, which is the level of potency. It is believed that the change in chemical structure that occurs when CBN is oxidised increases the potency of CBNO several fold over its counterpart.

Some sources even suggest that CBNO may be up to three times more potent than CBN.

In terms of similarities, both compounds are non-psychoactive and share some potential effects, such as a positive effect on sleep. Both cannabinoids can also be found in a wide range of products.

Moreover, both substances are legal in most countries and are not on international lists of dangerous substances.

However, CBNO is one of the newer cannabinoids and therefore may not yet be specifically regulated by some jurisdictions, but may only fall under the general legal definition of "cannabinoid."


What are the effects of CBNO?

Since CBNO is a newcomer to the cannabinoid field, scientists have not yet had time to study it thoroughly. The current literature lacks both studies and confirmed data on the effects of CBNO.

Although research on CBNO is just beginning, there are already positive indications suggesting its potential health benefits.

As with other cannabinoids, the interaction of CBNO with the human body's endocannabinoid system, and its potential therapeutic and other uses, is likely to be a focus of scientific interest in the coming years.

This system plays a key role in regulating physiological processes such as pain perception, immunity, appetite, mood and sleep.

And what is the binding of CBNO to cannabinoid receptors?

  • CB1 receptor: It is abundant in the central nervous system and associated with the psychoactive effects of THC. CBNO has a weaker binding to CB1.
  • CB2 receptor: It is more closely associated with the immune system and has a limited effect on the central nervous system. CBNO has a stronger binding to CB2.

With weaker binding to the CB1 receptor and stronger binding to the CB2 receptor, CBNO has minimal or no psychoactive effects, increasing its potential for therapeutic use.

Although research on CBNO is at an early stage, much can be inferred from the available information on the related and more studied CBN.

Based on knowledge of CBN (and other cannabinoids) and user experience, CBNO could have the potential to, for example:

  • relieve inflammation
  • relieve pain
  • promote sleep
  • to help manage stress and tension
  • protect cells from damage

Anti-inflammatory potential

Scientists have attributed anti-inflammatory properties to some cannabinoids, including CBN and, hypothetically, CBNO. They could find use in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases and similar health problems, as a recent animal study has shown. This found that CBN could be an effective anti-inflammatory agent in the fight against arthritis.

Pain relief

Research suggests that many cannabinoids may have the potential to act as analgesics. Of note is a review study published in 2015 in the renowned medical journal JAMA, which analyzed the results of 79 clinical trials and concluded that cannabinoids may be effective in reducing chronic, and especially neuropathic, pain.


CBNO pomáhá odstranit bolest a to zejména tu chronickou, neuropatickou bolest.

Interesting results also came from a 2019 study that examined the effects of CBN, CBD and CBC and their combinations on muscle sensitisation in female rats. Researchers found that CBN could provide pain relief for chronic muscle disorders, including temporomandibular dysfunction (pain in muscles, joints and nerves in the jaw area) and fibromyalgia (widespread pain syndrome), without adverse side effects. However, clinical studies have not yet confirmed this theory.

Therapeutic effects

Researchers and users often associate cannabinoids with relaxing and calming effects, including reducing stress and anxiety. While it is likely that CBNO will have similar effects due to its properties, we will have to wait to see the specific results. CBNO oils and drops, for example, may be potentially useful as a support in managing stress and tension.

Sleep support

In recent years, scientific attention has focused on the potential of cannabinoids (especially CBN and CBD) to improve sleep quality. One recent study suggests that CBN not only shortens the time it takes to fall asleep, but also helps keep the body in a deep sleep phase

Like CBN, CBNO, especially in the form of an isolate (the purest form of CBNO available), can act as a mild sedative. This makes it a great choice for people suffering from insomnia and other sleep disorders. In addition, isolates allow for precise dosing and can easily be used to enrich the composition of other products.


CBNO může podporovat spánek tím, že se jedná o mírné sedativum


According to existing research, cannabinoids have neuroprotective effects that could eventually be used in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as:

  • Parkinson's disease
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Huntington's disease
  • Multiple sclerosis

Specifically, the potential of cannabinoids is that they can protect neurons or nerve cells from degradation.

Particularly promising are the results published in 2022 by the Salk Institute's Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Biology on CBN. They found that CBN protects neurons from oxidative stress and cell death, key contributors to the development of Alzheimer's disease. The researchers believe this discovery could open new avenues for treating this and other age-related diseases.

And what will a stronger CBNO bring? Time will tell.

CBNO products

CBNO can be taken in a variety of ways, with the choice depending on individual preferences and expected effects.

When it comes to CBNO inhalation, there are a number of products to choose from:

  • Cartridges with the popular flavours White Cherry/Gelato and Jack the Ripper, containing 50% CBNO, provide a unique taste experience.
  • CBNO prerolls with the Hawaiian Haze hemp variety contain 10% CBNO, CBG pollen and natural terpenes, responsible for their characteristic aroma and taste.
  • CBNO liquids designed for vaping in electronic cigarettes and disposable vaporizers with CBNO guarantee a simple and comfortable experience.
  • Hashish enriched with CBNO is a great choice for those who prefer alternative ways of consuming cannabinoids.
  • Raspberry Kush cannabis flowers with added CBNO have a pleasant sweet, fruity aroma reminiscent of raspberries.
  • CBNO distillates are suitable for those who prefer pure and concentrated forms of cannabinoids without additives and flavours. They are best suited for making other CBNO products such as vaporizers or oils or drops. The more accurate dosing is also a plus compared to other products.


If you prefer edibles, CBNO gummies with different fruit flavors are an option to try. Each gummy contains 10 mg of CBNO, for a total of 100 mg of CBNO for the entire pack.

The amount of THC in these gummies is less than 0.2%, which is the legal limit in most European countries. In addition to CBNO, gummies contain the usual ingredients such as sugar, glucose syrup and vegetable oil found in regular candy.


CBNO is a relatively new cannabinoid that has not yet been much researched. It is formed by the chemical oxidation of CBN and is reported to be up to three times more potent than CBN. Although research on this cannabinoid is in its infancy, it is thought that it could have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, neuroprotective and therapeutic effects. The potential of CBNO to contribute to the treatment of sleep disorders will also be the subject of future research. CBNO is found in a variety of products, including oils and drops, cartridges, liquids and nutraceuticals.


Author: Buds for Buddies



Photo: AI, Shutterstock

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